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Gas Taps
PEL20-21/JUNKERS/EGA is a magnet for fry top, bain marie, bratt pans and gas cookers. It is compatible with brands: AMBACH, ANGELO PO, SILKO, ALPENINOX, ELECTROLUX, MARENO, ZANUSSI. The standard version with a length of 44mm, diameter 1, diameter 15mm to diameter 2 ø 11mm.
Magnet ELP-Head Great
PEL is a magnet for fry top, bain marie, bratt pans and gas cookers. It is compatible with brands: AMBACH, ANGELO PO, SILKO, ALPENINOX, ELECTROLUX, MARENO, ZANUSSI. The standard version with a length of 44mm, diameter 1 ø 15,5 mm and a diameter of 2 to ø 14mm.
Gas cock 20/S X08000 GIGA
20/S X08000 is a gas valve for fry top, bain marie, bratt pans and gas cookers. It is compatible with brands: GIGA, ZANUSSI, PEL, ALPENINOX. Has an outlet connection for M16x1,5 mm, without pilot flame and bolt in the crescent-8x6,5 mm.
Adaptability:MANUFACTURER CODEZ054109/7I0A2163+...07800A2163 / 7021054109 ALPENINOXX08000 GIGA0000X10100 GIGA1000X10100...
Gas cock 20/S 5018904112 AMBACH
20/S 5018904112 is a gas valve for fry top, bain marie, bratt pans and gas cookers. It is compatible with brands: PEL, AMBACH, ANGELO PO, SAGI. Has a fitting entry M16x1,5 mm, and an outlet connection ø 1/4", without pilot flame and bolt in the crescent-8x6,5 mm.
Adaptability:MANUFACTURER CODE5018904112 AMBACH6004730 ANGELO POPEL6004730 SAGI
Gas cock 21/S 33D1930 ANGELO PO
21/S 33D1930 is a gas valve for fry top, bain marie, bratt pans and gas cookers. It is compatible with brands: PEL, ANGELO PO, AB, EPMS, SAGI. Has an outlet connection for M16x1,5 mm, connection thermocouple M8x1, with pilot flame and bolt in the crescent-6x4,6 mm..
Gas tap 22S/O 33A1040 ANGELO PO
22S/OR is a gas valve for fry top, bain marie, bratt pans and gas cookers. It is compatible with brands: PEL, ANGELO PO, SAGI. Has a inlet and output M20x1,5 mm, connection thermocouple M8x1, with pilot flame and the pin crescent ø 10x9 mm.
Adaptability:MANUFACTURER CODE33A1040 ANGELO PO791938 PEL33A1040 SAGI
Gas tap 22S/O 33A0100 SAGI
22S/OR is a gas valve for fry top, bain marie, bratt pans and gas cookers. It is compatible with brands: PEL, ANGELO PO, SAGI. Has a inlet and output M20x1,5 mm, connection thermocouple M8x1, with pilot flame and the pin crescent ø 10x9 mm.
Adaptability:MANUFACTURER CODE33A0100 ANGELO PO791904 PEL33A0100 SAGI
Gas tap 22S/V 201515 MKN
22S/V is a gas valve for fry top, bain marie, bratt pans and gas cookers. It is compatible with brands: MKN, ANGELO PO, ALPENINOX, BONNET, MARENO, ALECTROLUX, SAGI, SILKO, and ZANUSSI. Has a inlet and output M20x1,5 mm, connection thermocouple M8x1, with pilot flame and with flow regulator.
Gas tap 22S/V 33D1990 ANGELO PO
22S/V is a gas valve for fry top, bain marie, bratt pans and gas cookers. It is compatible with brands: PEL, ANGELO PO, SAGI. Has a inlet and output M20x1,5 mm, connection thermocouple M8x1, with pilot flame and the pin crescent ø 10x9 mm.
Adaptability:MANUFACTURER CODE33D1990 ANGELO PO33D1991 ANGELO PO777040 PEL33D1990 SAGI33D1991 SAGI
Gas valve 23S/OR 35273800 BERTO'S
23S/OR is a gas valve for fry top, bain marie, bratt pans and gas cookers. It is compatible with brands: PEL BERTO'S, DEXION, HOBART, LOTUS, MBM, OLIS. Has a fitting inlet M28x1,5 mm, connection for thermocouple M10x1, with pilot flame and the pin crescent ø 10x8 mm.
Adaptability:MANUFACTURER CODE35273800/31274100 BERTO'SRTCP800019 HOBART30100003...
Gas valve 23S/OR 671.032.00 MODULAR
23S/OR is a gas valve for fry top, bain marie, bratt pans and gas cookers. It is compatible with brands: PEL, ANGELO PO, MODULAR, OFFCAR, TECNOINOX, THIRODE, ZANUSSI. Has a fitting inlet M28x1,5 mm, connection thermocouple M9x1, with pilot flame and the pin crescent ø 10x8 mm.
Adaptability:MANUFACTURER CODE33A1530 ANGELO PO796904 PELRC30100003...
Gas valve SKG AGC005ZR10 GIGA
SKG AGC005ZR10 is a gas valve for fry top, bain marie, bratt pans and gas cookers. It is compatible with brands: GIGA, WHIRLPOOL. Has an outlet connection M13x1 mm, connection for thermocouple plug, without pilot flame and pin mezzaluna 6x4,6 mm.
Adaptability:MANUFACTURER CODEAGC005ZR10 GIGAC00421007 INDESIT483286002852 INDESITC00421007...
Gas valve SKG 531034600 DESCO
SKG 531034600 is a gas valve for fry top, bain marie, bratt pans and gas cookers. It is compatible with the brand: DESCO, LOTUS, ASCASO. Has an outlet connection M13x1 mm, connection thermocouple M8x1, with pilot flame and pin mezzaluna 6x4,6 mm.
Adaptability:MANUFACTURER CODETHE..56 ASCASO531034600 DESCO531034600 LOTUS
Gas valve SKG 531047700 DESCO
SKG 531047700 is a gas valve for fry top, bain marie, bratt pans and gas cookers. It is compatible with the brand: DESCO, LOTUS, ASCASO. Has an outlet connection M13x1 mm, connection thermocouple M8x1, with pilot flame and pin mezzaluna 6x4,6 mm.
Adaptability:MANUFACTURER CODETHE..33 ASCASO531047700 DESCO531047700 LOTUS531034500 LOTUS
Kit Gas Tap SKG
SKG is a gas valve for fry top, bain marie, bratt pans and gas cookers. It is compatible with brands: ASCASO, LOTUS, MARENO, METOS,OLIS. Has an outlet connection 1/4", connection thermocouple M8x1, without pilot flame and pin mezzaluna 6x4,6 mm.
Adaptability:MANUFACTURER CODETHE...9 ASCASOVG..72 ASCASO531064200 /531002100 LOTUS1031028200 MARENO6A040400...