Privacy e Cookie Policy

Privacy Policy
This information is provided pursuant to Art. 13 of Legislative Decree. No 196/2003 (Code concerning the protection of personal data - the "Code") to those who use the web services accessible at ("Website") and is related to all personal data that Grossclima collects and holds about its users and into their accounts, and shall not applyto data collected by other web sites accessed via links to external pages of third parties. The term "personal data"is to be understood as any information relating to an individual, identified or identifiable, even indirectly, by reference to any other information (Article 4, letter. B, Code). Grossclima hereby informs all website users that data collected will solely be used for the purpose stated below and may modify, integrate or update this Privacy Policy periodically, in consideration of possible amendments to the applicable law or provisions of the Authority for the Protection of Personal Data. Changes and updates of the information will be applied andshall be knownto the stakeholders once adopted by the link of Privacy Policy in the footer of the website. Consequently, any interested User is invited to access regularly the site to check the updated informations.

How We Handle Personally Identifiable Information
The personal data processed by Grossclima (“Processing of Data") are data collected as provided directly or automatically by the party concerned. The personal data provided directly by the party concernedare all personal data entered on the Website (to browse the web,to proceed with online purchases or for any other reason) or otherwisepersonal identifiable information was supplied to Grossclima by any method. Any interested party, within legal limits, may decide not to permitthe processing of all or a part of its data, although such exclusion could limit or to opt out of the use of part of the Grossclima services. Examples of data provided directly by the interested parties are: the name; the address and telephone number; Credit Card numbers (processed only for the time necessary to purchase); the names of the recipients of orders, if it’s different from the Purchaser.
More generally, all the data provided to permit thecarrying out of a purchase order, research of productson the website, compilation and use of profiles on the web site, facilitation of the delivery of goods with communication of data on the numbers or contact addresses (e.g. phone, email, address, etc.).
All collected data is the navigation data and / or the SO-CALLED "Cookies." The computer systems and software procedures used to operate the web site that acquiring during their normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. It concerns informations that generally is not collected to be associated with identified interested parties, but by their very nature could identify users through processing and associations with data held by third parties. In this category of data includes IP addresses or domain names of computers used by users connecting to the web site, URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) of requested resources, time of request, the method used to submit the request to the server, size of the file obtained by reply, the numerical code indicating the status of the answer given from the server (an operation was successful, an error, etc.)and other parameters regarding the operating system and computer environment. This data is primarily used to obtain statistical information on the site and to check its correct functioning. The data could be used to ascertain responsibility in case of hypothetical cyber-crimes against the site.

Cookies are small strings of text that a website sends to your device with the purpose of optimizing navigation and services, to improve the functionality and use of the site. Cookies are used to manage authentication, track sessions and store user preferences. Cookies can be stored on the device and stay active for a variable amount of time or be erased when closing the browser. Some cookies are required because they support essential functions of our website, such as storing items in the cart or the access to restricted areas. In addition to navigation for user-friendly of the Site, Grossclima use cookie for the Site for the different reasons, on this website we also use functional cookies, that allow to remember the choices made by the user (such as language or country of origin) and to offer an advanced and customized service. We also use technical cookies to track, in accordance with the law, that the user has accepted to receive cookies.
Currently, the Site uses the following types of cookies:

Cookies characteristics and purposes

These are cookies required for navigation as they allow a proper use of the Site and its full operation. They include cookies that enable the creation of a personalaccount, log in performing, displaying content in the language preferred by the User during every access, recognizing from what country the User is connecting (and remembering this settings for further accesses) and client order handling. These cookies are strictly necessary to operate the site and their deactivation could impair the experience and the success of navigation. In this category also includes the analytical cookies, which allowto understand its proper use by usersthrough other information systems, statistical analysis of user’ssite navigation. For example, its include the cookies that record the number of clicks made on a page of the Site and the number of pages visited by users. Such analysis is done on aggregate and anonymous data and are held solely for statistical purposes. They are not essential to the operation of the Site but being treated anonymously not prejudice the interests of the data Owners.
Working on the browser settings, almost all computers allow to alert you whenever a cookie is sent, or allow for full disabling cookies. Their complete deactivation may preclude many features, or the proper navigation of the Site or other web pages, it may collect traffic data concerning the pages it is installed on even if he/she isn’t using it.

Place, purpose and methods of data handling
The Data Processing takes place at the premisses of Grossclima. Personal data are processed by Grossclima or and / or by carefully selected third parties for reliability and competence, which may be disclosed as this is necessary or appropriate in order to carry out activities, also instrumental or ancillary, related to the purposes of the processing data indicated in this statement, the largest of which is the provision of goods or services required (eg postal service companies, couriers, data entry companies, etc.). In any other case, except as provided by law, personal data are not transferred and / or disclosed to third parties.
Personal data shall be collected in compliance with the obligations and safeguards provided for in the Code and its are treated mainly using electronic and automated trading tools, for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected. Specific security measures are observed to prevent data loss, illegal or incorrect use and to prevent unauthorized access.
As soon as personal data are no longer needed for the purpose for which it was collected, Grossclima shall ensure their removal, unless the lawprovides for obligations to store or that the user has not agreedfor more long-term treatment or storage of personal data.

Rights of the party concerned
Parties concerned has the right to obtain confirmation as to whether or not data relating to him are being processed, even if its has not been recorded yet, and shall be entitled to obtain thecommunication of their personal data in an intelligible form, in writing and avail themselves of the rights set out in art. 7 of Legislative Decree 196/2003, i.e. In particular, each user shall be entitled to obtain from Grossclima reports on the following points: obtain information on the origin of personal details and the purpose and method of their handling; information on the logics applied in case of handling performed with the aid of electronic tools may also be made available, regarding personal information of the date handling manager, of the subjects and categories of subjects to whom personal details may be disclosed or who may come to know about them.
In addition, each user is entitled to obtain an update, correction orintegration of data, cancellation or transformation into anonymous data or the block of details as infringement of the law. Finally, to oppose for rightful reasons to the handling of personal details, though relevant with the collection purpose or the handling of personal details for the sending of advertising material or direct sale or for the completion of market researches of commercial information. Requests referred to in the above points should be sent by registered letter a / r or e-mail to the person responsible for processing data indicated in the following paragraph.

Owner and responsible for processing the data
The ‘’Owner’’ of processing data is Siddi Sandro.
Contact email: [email protected]

Purpose and methods of data handling
In general, data are processed to provide the following services available at our Web Site. The data collected will solely be used for the purpose stated below and will be collected information to:
1. to manage orders and perform related activities (e.gcommunication with the customer about the status of the order, handling of the user’s requests: concerning technical, commercial, on the progress of their orders and requests for information in a broad sense;
2. registration to the Web Site, to enjoy the relevant services; fulfillment of orders and related activities;
3. adherence to additional and specific services, newsletter news and other similar information services about our business, direct marketing initiatives (sending of advertising, giveaways, communications, promotions), also by means of communications sent by e-mail, SMS, MMS or phone.
For all the purposes specified above, Grossclima can download external suppliers which are broadcasting the data strictly ifit’s necessary for completion of the assignment. The provision of data for the purposes referred to points n. 1 and 2 above, as required, to give effect to the sale and delivery of products and services purchased on the Site or for it’s recording, is mandatory and the refusal to give its consent to the treatment makes it impossible to perform the services required in relation to purchase of goods and services on the website and registration at the website.
The provision of data for the purposes of paragraph n. 3 (newsletters for promotional purposes, information or research) is optional and the refusal to give its consent to the treatment still allows you to perform the contractual relationship with Grossclima to provide the services referred to in points 1 and 2 above but will result inability to be updated about business initiatives and / or promotional campaigns, to receive offers or other promotional material and / or to send you personalized offers. Where such consent is given by filling in the "Newsletter" box, Grossclima will send you advertising or promotional messages, using all the contact details provided above, to the extent required by the Code and saves of the user's authority to deny such use, even in relation to some of the reported numbers.

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